Hot Rock Massage


Super charge your Remedial Massage with Hot Rocks!

Cancel your plans for the rest of the day, this massage will truly relax you for hours afterwards.
The heat from the stones penetrate ten times deeper than hands alone and put you into a pretty chilled out state at the same time. This is not a Spa treatment this is deep tissue bliss without the pain. Cancel your plans for the rest of the day, this massage will truly relax you for hours afterwards.

What can Hot Rock Massage do for me?


  • 10 x more release than an ordinary Remedial Massage
  • No pain
  • Stops the mind chatter (many people fall asleep!)
  • More bang for your buck as several area’s can be worked at once due to stone placement
  • Restores energy after illness or exhaustion
  • Fantastic for improving circulation
  • Detoxifies the body
  • unblocks energy pathways (Meridians)
  • Long lasting effects



Learn how one session can help
– contact Caroline now on 0402 693 494


Here are some results from my clients

Why is it that people are still stuck in the mindset of “no pain – no gain” when seeking the benefit of a massage?

I have just come home after a hot stone massage given by Caroline as it was a therapy method that she recommended after my previous visit, proved quite painful when addressing all the stress, tension and knots in my body. I was open to the experience but I had no idea that it would leave me feeling so passionate about the results while at the same time puzzled that she was not fully booked up as the preferred therapeutic message method for all!

There are so many misconceptions on what a “hot stone massage” actually is. A thought of just left lying there on the massage table with stones placed on your body is usually what the majority perceive the experience to be like. An old viewpoint that unless you use some “elbow grease” and get right into the pain aspect (hence the no pain – no gain theory) – then you will not leave with your moneys worth. How wrong we all have been!

The direct heat relaxed the muscles which allowed manipulation of a greater intensity then that of a regular massage. I could feel the knots but when Caroline worked with the stones the feeling was more of a pressure as apposed to the intense pain of my previous visit that neither allowed me to relax or unwind. The hot stone experience left me with a feeling (long after I left) of heat having seeped right into the core of my body and in a time like this when the colder months strip us of the inner warmth – the hot stone massage was just absolute heaven! I do not normally feel the cold but lying there, my mind raced to all those that I know that would benefit from such an experience – not only for the deeper therapeutic and healing reasons – but also for the deep relaxation and release of tension that we all hold within our body.

To me it seems that through the hot stone massage Caroline was able to connect the flow of energy to rebalance my physical body, emotional mind and spirit as one. I wanted to share this experience with others and even if it just inspires one person to take that leap of faith, I just know that they will spread the word to others – allowing so many to experience what I did.

Thank you Caroline.
Patrycja Korfanty Receptionist Annandale NSW