The heart is the first organ to form in the body. It is the organising factor for physical formation, including for brain formation. The heart contains extensive brain-like neural matter and has recently been classified as a gland because it produces its own hormone. In addition to our cerebral brain, we indeed have a “heart brain.” The heart not only puts out its own balancing and regulating hormones, but also instantaneously communicates electromagnetic and chemical information to the rest of the body and to other bodies near it.
In her article “Spirit and Matter of the Heart” Dorothy Mandel writes, “The heart can act as an internal pharmacy-dispensing and communicating what is needed where and when. Its rhythm and pulse can entrain all of the body’s rhythms and cycles into coherent harmony and communicate many other types of vital information as well.” Each person’s EKP pattern is as unique as their fingerprint. The wave variations in each “heartprint” contain information about the different organ systems and rhythms in the body. When two people touch, the heartwave of one can be seen registering in the brainwave of the other.
Heart Facts
Research by the Institute for HeartMath in California4 has shown that the heart is the most powerful generator of electromagnetic energy in the human body:
- The heart’s electrical field is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain.
- The magnetic field produced by the heart is more than 5000 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain
- The electromagnetic energy of the heart not only envelops every cell of the human body, but also extends out in all directions in the space around us
- Our cardiac field touches those within 8 – 10 feet of where we are positioned (and perhaps in more subtle ways at greater distances)
- One person’s heart signal can effect another’s brainwaves, and heart-brain synchronization can occur between two people when they interact
- Research conducted at the Institute of HeartMath suggests that the heart’s field is an important carrier of information
Our mental and emotional state impacts the quality of contact we offer to another person. When we touch one another with safe, respectful, loving intention both physically and emotionally, we call into play the full healing power of the heart. The greater the “coherence”–a sense that life is comprehensible, manageable and meaningful– one develops, the more sensitive one becomes to the subtle electromagnetic signals communicated by those around them.
In my experience working with groups, the combined impact of the interaction of the electromagnetic fields of all the group members’ hearts creates a powerful space in which individuals can do deeper healing work than one-on-one. As one group member goes deeper, and gets closer to their core, the others in the group feel the energetic vibration of this person’s “heart opening” and are touched by it–energetically, as well as emotionally.